Local Businesses
We have a bunch of small and large businesses in our neighborhood that would love your support.
Business Name | Address | Phone | Type of Business | Website |
Willow Lake Golf Center & Driving Range | 6020 Windsor Island Rd N, Keizer, OR 97303 | 503-463-4653 | Golf Driving Range | Willow Lake Golf Center Website |
Nail Image | 5085 River Rd N, Keizer, OR 97303 | 503-304-0974 | Nail Salon | |
Chen's Dynasty | 5069 River Rd N, Keizer, OR 97303 | 503-393-6718 | Chinese Restaurant | |
Classic Tap Dance Studio | 5063 River Rd N, Keizer, OR 97303 | 503-393-8098 | Dance School | Classic Tap Dance Studio Website |
Log House Garden at Willow Lake | 5655 Windsor Island Rd N, Keizer, OR 97303 | 503-871-5667 | Wedding Venue | Log House Garden Website |
CanStaff Employment Services | 5309 River Rd N, Keizer, OR 97303 | 503-856-9596 | Employment Agency | CanStaff Website |
Keizer Liquor Store | 5021 River Rd N, Keizer, OR 97303 | 971-273-0456 | Liquor Store | Keizer Liquor Website |
The Rec: Grange | 441 Chemawa Rd N, Keizer, OR | 971-443-4129 | Coffee Shop | The Rec: Grange Website |
While we try to make sure the information in here is accurate at the time of entry, information can always change. If something in here should be updated, please contact us to let us know.
If you know of a business we should add, please fill out the form below. If you are the owner of local business and want to be added, even better! Fill out the form below and consider joining one of our general meetings to introduce your business to the community.