About Northwest Keizer Neighborhood Association

Founded in 2022, the NW Keizer Neighborhood Association (NWKNA) is here to engage members of our community to improve the livability of the neighborhood and community as a whole. We also act as a vehicle of communication between the neighborhood and the City of Keizer.

Map of NWKNA boundaries

Boundaries in Keizer, Oregon are approximately: The center of Chewewa Rd from Keizer Rapids Park to River Road on the south, Keizer City limits to the west and north to the city limits on Windsor Island Road. East following the City Limits to center of McClure St to Lockhaven, includes Keizer Elementary. Further east on the center of Lockhaven to River Rd.

Next General Meeting

February 19, 2024 at 7 pm

Keizer Event Center
930 Chemawa Rd NE

Our guest speaker will be one of our local merchants from the neighborhood.


General meetings occur on the third Wednesday of most months.
If you live, work or own within the boundaries of the NWKNA, please join us!

Our Community

See what’s going on in our community and information about support opportunities.

Contact Us

Reach out if you’d like to get involved with the NWKNA,
have any neighborhood concerns, or have any quesions.