
Founded in 2022, the NWKNA is here to engage members of our community to improve the livability of the neighborhood and community as a whole. We also act as a vehicle of communication between the neighborhood and the City of Keizer.

The NWKNA formation began in March 2022 with the first three Board members.

With completion of bylaws, boundaries and other necessary paperwork the NWKNA was approved as a Neighborhood Association by Keizer City Council in May 2022.

We established our General Meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at City Hall.

Our first General Meeting was May 18, 2022. The Board voted that each General Meeting would have a guest speaker. We have had speakers from the Keizer Fire District, Keizer Police Department, Keizer Public Works, and City Planning. The principals from the two schools within our boundaries, Keizer Elementary and McNary High, have attended to talk about how we can work with each other. Simonka House has also met with us on their programs and needs.

We have had dialogs from crime, traffic issues, graffiti, Keizer Community Food Bank, city budget, to issues on swales in our neighborhoods.

For the future, our efforts will be to increase the number of our neighbors participating in the NWKNA, giving a great voice in our community.

NWKNA Boundaries

Map of NWKNA boundaries

Boundaries in Keizer, Oregon are approximately: The center of Chewewa Rd from Keizer Rapids Park to River Road on the south, Keizer City limits to the west and north to the city limits on Windsor Island Road. East following the City Limits to center of McClure St to Lockhaven, includes Keizer Elementary. Further east on the center of Lockhaven to River Rd.

Board Members

  • Chair: Hersch Sangster
  • Vice Chair: Griffin Walker
  • Secretary: Tammy Saldivar
  • Board Member: Jonathan Thompson
  • Board Member: Crista Medrano
  • Board Member: Judi Liechty
  • Board Member: Vacant

Neighborhood Association Documents
