
Information about schools and non-profit organizations that could use your support, all a part of the Northwest Keizer neighborhood.  We also have some user-submitted photos from around the neighborhood, and a link to Keizer Events from the City of Keizer website.

If you have a neighborhood photo you’d like to submit, please contact us.


Photos from Around our Neighborhood

Keizer Events

Schools in our Neighborhood

Volunteer opportunities at local schools will be posted here when we hear about them.

Keizer Community Food Bank

Keizer Community Food Bank is an authorized food pantry that serves the Keizer Community.

Top 3 needs:

  1. Peanut butter
  2. Canned tuna
  3. Canned pinto or black beans

Keizer Women and Children Shelter

Simonka Place for Women & Children provides emergency shelter and meals to meet immediate needs in a trauma-informed environment.